Own your strengths.
Craft your communication style. Quirks required!
Bring out your best & bring out the best in others.
Here's how:
I'm Elle & I like asking what's right about people. I coach people in this question!
I'm an intuitive & strategist providing a ton of practical, proven ways to prize your individuality accomplishing what matters most to you.
Walk out of the revolving door of ineffective communication & modesty norms. Embed agile work/life equilibrium just being you!
Simply, neuroscience confirms what you believe about yourself predicts your behavior, emotional set-point & results.
Rejoice in your own enough-ness. Level up into cohesive self-leadership.
My ethos: when you rise, others do!
Linda (Elle) Yaven
Leadership & Communication Coach
(with intuition whisperer tendencies)
Faculty, MBA & Masters Interaction Design,
California College of the Arts
What's absorbing you?
What’s would propel you forward?
Let's unknot what gets in the way.
Architecting Boundaries & Breathing Room
(This Time for Women in Particular!)