An Inner "yes!"

Linda Yaven
image by Elle Linda Yaven

The quality of your life goes to what you say no to.

- Cheryl Richardson

"Decision latitude” describes the choices, and perceived choices, a person has. It’s another way of describing autonomy.

- Daniel Pink

                          Normative zeal.

                         - Abraham Maslow




bring or return to a normal or standard condition or state.

They realized normalizing the care of their life as a communicator was ultimate self-care


mid 17th century (in the sense ‘right-angled’): from Latin normalis, from norma ‘carpenter's square’. Current senses date from the early 19th century.

                          Normative zeal.

                         - Abraham Maslow

Normal, Alabama

Normal, Illinois

Normal, Indiana

Normal, Kentucky

Normal Station, Memphis

Image: Natalia Trofimova

My schedule for today includes a six-hour self-accusatory rant.
- Philip K. Dick

I'm cooking up an exciting way for you and I to work together this Fall, so stay tuned.
Meanwhile...WHAT SAY YOU?
If there's something you'd like to learn from me, what would it be?
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